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    Alfonsino mixed rice mix

    Marine Products
    Processed Foods

    This product is a wholesale product.

    This product is an EC compatible product.

    Part Number

    Alfonsino mixed rice mix

    ブ ラ ン ド 名

    Sales category


    We use locally produced alfonsino caught in Shimoda Port, Izu.

    The decisive factor in the taste is the concentrated soup made from the ara (head and bones) of the fresh alfonsino.Made with lightly flavored ara-dashi that makes the most of the original taste and aroma of the ingredients, the scent of the rising steam will whet your appetite.
    It is a retort pouch food that is simply cooked by adding water to the washed rice.
    Adding finely chopped ginger to the rice after cooking enhances the flavor and makes it even more delicious.
    It's delicious even when it's cold, and you can enjoy it as a rice ball.
    Please relish.

    Sales price



    For 2 cups/hako

    Available time /
    The most delicious time

    Year-round / year-round

    Specific raw material

    Wheat Soybean Pork

    Main place of origin

    Shimoda City, Shizuoka Prefecture

    Storage temperature zone

    Store at room temperature

    Sales store

    Watanabe Suisan Co., Ltd. Shimoda Branch 9-25-XNUMX Shimoda City, Shizuoka Prefecture

    Business name

    Watanabe Fisheries Co., Ltd.
    (Yugen Gaisha Watanabe Suisan)

    Representative TEL


    Representative fax


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