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    Eighty-eight night tea from Enshu Hamamatsu

    Tea Products

    This product is a wholesale product.

    Part Number

    Eighty-eight night tea from Enshu Hamamatsu

    ブ ラ ン ド 名

    Sales category


    We use 100% of the tea variety called "Yabukita", which is the most widely grown tea in Shizuoka Prefecture, and use the traditional steaming method.The orthodox aroma of Japanese tea and the refreshing astringency create an exquisite harmony. 《Golden Transparent》The clear golden color of the hot water and the refreshingly fragrant taste make this tea recommended for adults who know the real thing.Please enjoy our single-origin tea grown without any pesticides or chemical fertilizers.

    Sales price



    65g bag 

    Available time /
    The most delicious time

    Year-round / June-September

    Specific raw material


    Main place of origin

    Hamamatsu city

    Storage temperature zone

    Store at room temperature

    Sales store

    Hasegawa Tea 3897-1 Shinbaru, Hamakita Ward, Hamamatsu City

    Business name

    Hasegawa Tea Co., Ltd.
    (Hasegawa Seicha Kabushiki Geisha)

    Representative TEL


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