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    Hand volcano made powder or mashed

    Marine Products
    Processed Foods

    This product is a wholesale product.

    This product is an EC compatible product.

    Part Number

    Hand volcano made powder or mashed

    ブ ラ ン ド 名

    Sales category


    It is a powder shaving of dried bonito (Aramoto bonito).It is easy to use and can be used as a sprinkle, such as by removing miso soup or sprinkling it on top of a cold tofu.Mix it with natto and sprinkle it on various other dishes.Try adding a pinch to finish the miso soup, and the taste and aroma will be greatly improved.It's a waste to throw it away after taking the dashi stock, so let's eat it as it is. (Since the shaving flowers are small, I don't really care.)

    Sales price




    Available time /
    The most delicious time

    Always / year-round

    Specific raw material


    Main place of origin

    Pacific Ocean (landing at Yaizu Port)

    Storage temperature zone

    Store at room temperature

    Sales store

    Yamato Masuda Shoten XNUMX-XNUMX-XNUMX Kogawashinmachi, Yaizu City, Shizuoka Prefecture

    Business name

    Yamato Masuda Shoten Co., Ltd.
    (Kabushiki Gaisha Yamaju Masuda Shoten)

    Representative TEL


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