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    yellowfin block

    Marine Products
    Processed Foods

    This product is a wholesale product.

    Part Number

    yellowfin block

    ブ ラ ン ド 名

    Sales category

    Existing product


    Our company is a fish wholesaler in Yaizu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, founded in the first year of the Meiji era.
    Starting with our own overseas purse seiner No. 18 Matsutomo Maru, we are in charge of the supply of products through negotiated transactions for a total of four vessels.
    Please enjoy the fresh yellowfin tuna.

    Sales price

    Market price * Please check with the business operator for the selling price.


    1 case 10kg

    Available time /
    The most delicious time

    Year-round /

    Specific raw material


    Main place of origin

    Yaizu Port, Shizuoka Prefecture

    Storage temperature zone

    Store frozen

    Sales store

    Fujiya 4-9-8 Yakusu, Yaizu City

    Business name

    Ichimaru Co., Ltd.
    (Kabushiki Gaishai Chimaru)

    Representative TEL


    Representative fax


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