Gyokukado's Ultimate Pudding Matcha

Tea Products
Snacks and Sweets
This product is a wholesale product.
Part Number
Gyokukado's Ultimate Pudding Matcha
ブ ラ ン ド 名
Sales category
Product Highlight
This pudding is made by a Japanese confectionery shop that was founded in 23. It uses matcha produced in Shizuoka Prefecture. It has the refreshing coolness and umami, sweetness, and bitterness of matcha. It is finished with sweet cream and red beans, which bring out the original flavor of Shizuoka matcha.
Sales price
Available time /
The most delicious time
Year-round /
Specific raw material
Main place of origin
Matcha (Shizuoka)
Storage temperature zone
Store in the refrigerator
Sales store
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